Anke Johanna Ida Erdmuthe von Rabenkrempel

unter diesem klangvollen Alter Ego präsentiere ich euch hier meine private Homepage. Seht all die schönen Dinge, die ich so gemalt, gebaut, genäht und sonst irgendwie erschaffen habe.

von Rabenkrempel
Meine Bilder

Was euch hier erwartet...

"Die Kunst ist die stärkste Form von Idealismus, welche die Welt kennt." -Oscar Wilde-


A responsive layout adapts to the viewing device, whether mobile, tablet or a small or larger desktop, to ensure your site is accessible on all devices.

Site Performance

RocketTheme creates sleek, dynamic themes that take full advantage of the latest Web technologies to deliver your content quickly and efficiently.

Great Support

Receive exclusive access to the Anacron communty forum board for additional assistance, alongside the free and online documentation.

Du siehst Dinge und fragst "Warum?", doch ich träume von Dingen und sage "Warum nicht?" - George Bernard Shaw-

  • image Modern. Powerful.

    Replicate the Demo.


    Multiple Platforms

    The RocketLauncher is a customized install, that replaces the default sample data with the data from the demo, alongside images, the extensions and template. It is a quick way to replicate the demo onto your server.

  • Layered Image Sources.

    Anacron is distributed with Adobe Fireworks PNG sources, layered and editable, to allow for quick and easy customization.

    image John Doe CEO

    image Mary Burke Designer

    image Hans Jose Developer

    image Mark Riley Support

  • Flexible & Adaptable Sample Pages.

    There are a series of example pages beyond the frontpage, to show how flexible the layout system, with varying page types, module uses, and layout distributions.

    Graphic Charts by ChartJS

    Create exquisite graphical charts using HTML5 and Chart.js, which is built-in with Anacron.

    Coming Soon / Offline Page

    Anacron supports a simple coming soon or offline style page with a time counter.

Why Anacron

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